Lukas Moodysson’s “Together 99” to open the 2023 Nordic Film Days Lübeck

Bildbeschreibung: Eine Gruppe Menschen, teilweise in Badekleidung, geht eine Straße hinunter. Standbild aus dem Film "Tilsammans 99".

Lübeck, October 05, 2023. The opening night film at the 65th Nordic Film Days Lübeck (Nov. 1-5, 2023) will be the 2023 Swedish-Danish comedy “Together 99” (“Tilsammans 99”), directed by Lukas Moodysson. The festival screening will be the film’s German premiere.

The Swedish director, who first attracted international attention with his 1998 film “Show me Love”, also wrote the screenplay for “Together 99”. It had its world premiere in September at the Toronto International Film Festival.

“Together 99” is something of a late sequel to Moodysson’s 2000 film “Together”. The first film was about the dysfunctional comings and goings, together and apart, of a diverse group of people living in a 1970s commune. “Together 99” is set in 1999 and the commune has dwindled down to a minimum, with only two members left. Goran has stuck stubbornly to his subversive attitude, while Klasse is still weaving carpets. Both feel that their lives have stagnated. Suddenly, the rest of the old gang is at the door because it's Göran's birthday.
The former commune-ists may have become strangers to each other, but remnants of their former familiarity and intimacy survive. Old loves suddenly raise their heads again, and the same old arguments arise anew. The reunion enables everyone involved to look at the present in a new way.

Producer Anna Carlsten and the actors Gustaf Hammarsten (Göran) and Anja Lundqvist (Lena) are expected at the German premiere in Lübeck.

Complete information about the 65th Nordic Film Days Lübeck can be found at our website and on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube/nordicfilmdays.

The entire NFL programme will be announced at a press conference on October 10. Advance ticket sales begin October 28.

We would like to thank our partners Finnlines, CineStar, STAWAG, the Lübeck Public Utilities authority, Teschke & Collegen, Moinsener, skanbo, Grundstücksgesellschaft TRAVE, Convotis, avt plus Mediaservice, SG Medientechnik, and the meda partnersNDR and the Lübecker Nachrichten newspaper their support.

Press contact Nordic Film Days Lübeck
Dr. Kathrin Steinbrenner & Kristian Müller, 
SteinbrennerMüller Kommunikation 
Tel: +49 (0)30 4737 2192